Workers Compensation Insurance allows to protect business owners and provide benefits towards
employees if and when an injury takes place in the work environment. In the state of California, it is
legally required for a business to own workers compensation insurance. Owning Workers Compensation
Insurance in Orange County protects your business from serious lawsuits and can save you hundreds
and thousands of dollars. Penalties in California can include: up to $10,000 in fines, imprisonment for
at least 1 year in a local county jail and major penalties up to $100,000 to uninsured employers.
How does Workers Compensation Insurance Protect Workers?
Full Medical Benefits including: no time or monetary limit – full coverage on medical bills
Right to predesignate a personal physician and Free choice of their provider
Partial Replacements of missed wages due to work related injury
Death Benefits: payable to employee’s spouse or children
Burial Allowance is included
How Workers Compensation Rates work?
Unlike most types of insurances, workers compensation insurance is not a set annual premium.
There are three main factors that determine your Workers Comp Insurance Rate: the type of job
being performed, the employer’s gross payroll (which is applied to every $100 of your payroll),
and previous work related injuries and illnesses.
Workers Compensation Insurance Available in Your Local Cities of Orange County