How is your broker helping you lower Worker's Compensation Premium?

Worker’s compensation is a large and necessary cost but there are still oppurtunities to save. We’ll help you reducw claims and control costs by establishing workplace safety policies, stream lining your report procedures and idenstifiying top loss sources.

How effective is your return to work program?

The longer a worker’s compensation claim stays open, the more it will cost you. Wokers Compensation Insurance California can help you implements a comprehensive return to work program that will protect your bottom line, while still providing your employees with appropriate care.

California Employment Law - Claims Process

Worker’s compensation is a system of no-fault insurance that provides medical and monetary benefits to employees or their survivors for work-related injuries, diseases and deaths.

The California Worker’s Compensation Act (WCA) defines how worker’s compensation are processed in the state. The California Division of Worker’s Compensation (DWC) administers the worker’s compensation system and resolves disputed claims under the WCA.

California Employment Law - Employer's Responsibilities

Worker’s compensation is a system of no-fault insurance that provides medical and monetary benefits to employees or their survivors for work-related injuries, diseases and deaths.

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