Classification Search

Utilize the Classification Search to find classifications using keywords linked to classification phraseologies. . Enter a search term or classification code below to begin your search. Refer to the Insurance Commissioner’s rules regarding the Standard Classification System in Part 3, Standard Classification System, of the California Workers’ Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan—1995 (USRP).

Standard Classifications : Real State Basic Rate

Select a phraseology or code from the search results below to access detailed information, including phraseology, footnotes, rules, and pure premium rates for the respective classification. For an alphabetical arrangement of the search results, click on the “Phraseology” link at the top of the column. To view the results in numerical order, click on the “Code” link at the top of the column.
The WCIRB designed the Classification Search to assist you in identifying Standard Classifications through keywords or a classification code. However, it is essential to note that while the Classification Search is a helpful tool, you should not solely depend on it. You must independently assess and determine the appropriate classification(s) for a risk in accordance with the USRP.

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